Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Big Problem - Part 2

God to the Rescue

To understand sin and our need for a Savior we must understand the full effects of it. Sin opened the door for temptation and evil to enter the world and caused big problems for every person living in it. Sin not only causes problems in our material world, it causes a much worse eternal problem. No one is impervious to temptation. All people fall short of perfect obedience to God because in our flesh when we are tempted we all give in at some point. Sin separates us from God who is the only source of eternal Life. Sin if not dealt with cuts us off from God forever. So how do we get rid of the sin problem? The bad news is that we can't because all have sinned and fallen short.

Fortunately the story doesn't end because of sin. God refused to give up on mankind. He had a plan to rescue us.

God always knew that there was only one way to fix the problem of sin and to save the world from total inevitable destruction. He had to come here Himself.

In God's sovereignty he chose to create man with autonomy so that they could enjoy a real love relationship and part take in rich and fulfilling fellowship with Him. True love must be tested before it can claim to be true. God knew that man would give in to temptation and fail the test but he also knew that there was a way that he could resolve the problem so that those who regretted their choice could be restored to faith and trust in Him and given a restart.

All human beings are born in Adam therefore we are all material beings born in a fallen material world and are subject to temptation that over takes all of us because of the internal battle in our hearts to rule our own lives. There needed to be a second Adam that would never give in to this temptation throughout his entire life, that could die in perfect fellowship with the Father. A man who's spirit was united with the Father from birth to death and never severed.There was only one solution. God the Father had to send his One and only Son.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. - John 1:1-5

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. - John 1:14

God made a way for all the lost in the world to find their way back to Him. As it was from the beginning, all that has ever been required of man to remain in relationship with God is putting their trust and faith in His Word. Jesus became one of us and accomplished what we could not accomplish. All we have to do is recognize our failure to trust and obey God and repent. Repentance is not just regretting sin, it must involve hating sin. When we recognize the great lengths that God went through to rescue us to get us back we should hate sin as much as he does. He gave His very life to destroy sin and death so that we wouldn't have to stay locked in the prison cell of sin and death forever. God desires that none perish but that all have eternal Life with Him. He came to set the captives free once and for all but we must want to leave our place of darkness. He won't force us out.It's up to every individual to decide if they want God or not. Jesus did the work. By His perfect obedience he paid the debt for sin in full for all of us. All we have to do to accept this free gracious gift is to believe that he did the work for us.

There is more to this story that we are all a part of, so much more..